Why does my booster not stay on?
The Federal Government Clean Energy Regulator states that the manual booster may only remain active for the single heat cycle until the target temperature is reached.
Both the compressor and the booster use the same logic but different temperature sensors. The compressor uses the lower sensor(top left number on the lcd) and when that sensor falls > the target temperature minus 11 degrees the compressor will start and heat to the target. Likewise the booster uses the upper sensor(centre number on the lcd) and when it falls > 11 degrees below the target it will start the single boost button and heat the top of the tank to the target. If you press the booster and it is within 11 degrees of the target it will switch itself off again.
Please also refer to the “When should i use the booster? – FAQ”
When should i use the booster?
The booster element is a 1.5kw and is very small compared to the average 2kw(180L) / 4kw(270L) heating capacity provided by the compressor. From an energy use perspective, the compressor is 4 times more efficient so it is always the preferred heating method. From a recovery perspective, the element can deliver approx. 20 litres per hr compared to the compressor delivery on average 50-60L/hr(180L) / 70-80L/hr(270L).
So as to when you should use the booster, only under very high demand or recovery needs, and in an emergency situation.
I live near the beach is that a problem for an iStore?
Compressor technology water heaters like the iStore are constantly filled with condensation that forms on the evaporator, this means that the components are designed to be in such an environment for its entire working life.
All of the components are either non-ferrous, galvanized, or polycarbonate construction to handle such a harsh environment.
A standard servicing schedule to suit the water supply should include a review of any possible dust, pollen, or salt build up inside the evaporator and compressor area of the iStore. Any build up can be simply washed out with gentle application of water with a garden hose.
NOTE: no high pressure cleaning, solvents, or abrasives should be applied.
What is the power draw of an iStore?
The power draw of an iStore will vary slightly during the heat cycle as the water temperature increases but you general requirements the figures below are indicative of a 60 degree heat target.
180L iStore – 500/700w draw(3 amps)
270L iStore – 1000/1200w draw(5 amps)
What is the Coefficient of Performance(COP) for an iStore
Australia has a very wide range of weather conditions and as such the Federal Government Clean Energy Regulator (CER) insists that water heaters like the iStore must be tested in everything from 0 degrees up to over 30 degrees ambient temperatures. During a heat cycle the iStore in fact undergoes a large range of heating as the water entering the tank can be below 10 degrees and the target is 60 degrees.
The iStore achieves an average COP of 4 over the testing required, this means that for every 1kw of electricity consumed that 4kw of heat energy is imparted to the tank water.
Does the iStore have dust filters that need cleaned?
No, there are no dust filters in an iStore to be cleaned, the evaporator inside the unit is very similar to a radiator in a car but due to the hydrophilic coating employed in an istore generally the dust does not collect on the evaporator. If you look thru the grills and it appears clear similar to the car radiator, then there is no cleaning required.
For further advice on this topic please call 1300 515 636.
Does the istore have a replaceable sacrificial anode?
Yes the iStore has two sacrificial anodes, one for whole of life and the other is the service anode. The service anode standard change schedule is 5 years for typical Australian capital city town water. Regional Australia can have harsh water and as such more frequent checks and possible replacements can be recommended by local service agents. If the Total Dissolved Solids is greater than 600PPM, the anode shall be inspected every year and replaced at intervals not greater than every 2 yrs.
Will an iStore work in cold areas?
Yes, the iStore has undergone extensive certification testing demanded by the Australian Clean Energy Regulator(CER). The CER has deemed that the iStore models will offset over 30MW of electricity in the mandated 10 year assessment. The CER also breaks the Australian regions up into climate zones with Victoria, ACT, and NSW in fact obtaining higher offset rebates than warmer regions of Australia. The Victorian and NSW state governments further back the iStore with inclusion into both of its VEEC, VEU, and ESS programs for all regions of those states.
What are the advantages of an iStore over traditional solar hot water systems?
Although the solar hot water panels have improved in efficiency over the last 20 years, the problem still remains that a booster is required for the winter months where the clouds obscure the sun. The boosters are simple heating elements typically consuming 2.4kw of electricity for each hour the booster is running. A completely cold 300L rooftop tank will consume over 14kw/hr of electricity to heat the tank to 60 degrees. The second problem is that the improvements in efficiency mean that unless there are 4+ people in the home that the tanks can heat to 99 degrees in summer and have no option but to mechanically dump the hot water to protect the tank from over pressure. The third issue still remains that the solar hot water system is consuming valuable roof space typically on the north aspect of the roof where PV electrical solar panels could be positioned to maximize generation.
Finally with maximum electrical draw from a 270L is just over 1kw/hr with a typical full heat requiring 4kw/h, the iStore has built-in timers which further allows consumers to take advantage of daytime PV solar generation to save even more on running costs.
Should i check anything after a power outage?
If you do NOT have any timers set then no, nothing needs to be checked but if you do have timers then the iStore may have missed its ON or OFF time.
If the power outage is completely inside your timer window or completely outside your timer window then your normal heating cycle will not be affected.
Your iStore will carry on its normal cycle the next night or day without you possibly noticing depending on the outage time, duration and your hot water needs. Timers are not lost during power outages.
Example 1 – your timer is set to 10am to 16:01 and the power is turned off at 8am and then returns at 11am, in this case the iStore has missed the ON time and will remain OFF until the next day unless you manually switch it back on. To manually switch it on you may need to wake up the LCD by placing the palm of your hand on the screen and pressing gently, then check to see if the child lock is engaged as indicated by a padlock symbol in the lower right next to the digital clock, if it is locked then press and hold the power button in the bottom left for 8 seconds until the lock turns off. Now press the power button for 2 seconds and let go, the iStore will now change to the ON state and if required will heat.
Example 2 – your timer is set to 10am to 16:01 and the powers is turned off at 14:00 and then returns at 17:00, in this case the iStore has missed the OFF time and will remain ON until the next day unless you manually switch it back off. To manually switch it off you may need to wake up the LCD by placing the palm of your hand on the screen and pressing gently, then check to see if the child lock is engaged as indicated by a padlock symbol in the lower right next to the digital clock, if it is locked then press and hold the power button in the bottom left for 8 seconds until the lock turns off. Now press the power button for 2 seconds and let go, the iStore will now change to the OFF state.