How do I take advantage of my Solar Panel electrical generation during the day?
Set 1 timer ON to 10am in the morning to commence heating, in most states for a large part of the year modern solar panel systems will be generating enough electricity to provide power to the iStore and heat your water for free. Depending on the number of people in your household the OFF time to 16:01 where the volume of water is sufficient for all shower requirements in 24 hrs. If the nighttime usage is large enough to use all the water and not leave any more for the people showering in the morning then set the OFF1 time to 20:01/21:01/22:01 for a reheat to take place in the evening after usage. NOTE if you have peak evening tariffs then it may be more suitable to set a second timer to commence after your peak period such as ON2 23:00 to OFF2 03:01.
What mode should i set my iStore to?
For Australian conditions ECO mode is the best, the onboard computer monitors the surrounding temperature, incoming water and outgoing water, heat transfer capabilities and adjusts its operation to suit. The Federal Government Clean Energy Regulator species how all of the iStore compressor hot water systems must operate in Australia and as such how the computer control operates. Intelligent and Hybrid modes are for overseas models and effectively overridden to ECO mode in Australia.
Why does the iStore not heat as soon as I use any water?
The Federal Government Clean Energy Regulator specifies the thermostat range of all iStore style compressor hot water systems, the thermostat range is 12 degrees, this means that the bottom of the tank must fall 12 degrees below the target temperature before the heating cycle begins. The hot water delivered to the house is from the top of the tank as natural convection causes the hot water to rise to the top of the tank all of the hot water is available for use.
Does the iStore have two tanks?
The iStore has one large tank and two temperature sensors in the tank, bottom and top, the larger temperature is in the centre of the LCD and this is the water temperature at the top of the tank. Water is delivered from the top of the tank and therefor is the delivery temperature. The smaller temperature in the top left is the water temperature towards the bottom of the tank and is used to control the heating cycle.